lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Santa Catalina Tips

Top tips for enjoying your time in Santa Catalina Every village, city and even country has its own highlights, landmarks and specialist activities and its important to research each place that you visit so that you know exactly what you should take advantage of in each destination. Santa Catalina is no exception and despite being known for its sleepy and laid back atmosphere, there is still plenty to see and do 1. Take your time to explore everything the town has to offer One of the biggest mistakes that people backpacking or travelling to numerous places can do is rush through each place before they can really begin to understand and appreciate what it has to offer. The same can be said for holidaymakers looking for a more luxurious experience, so do give yourself enough time to relax and explore. 2. Take advantage of the world-class eco-system The location of Santa Catalina makes it simply perfect for exploring the incredible un-touched eco-system of Coiba National Park. Take advantage of this by taking in the incredible sights of both the land and marine life. 3. Bring enough cash with you to last your stay The choice of accommodation is limited in Santa Catalina with Hotel Sol y Mar being the best option for comfort and value for money. There is no ATM in the town itself and most places accept cash only so make you have enough to see you through your stay.

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