sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009
hotel and restaurant sol y mar santa catalina panama
have had all the guests in the cabins and more people from santa catalina eating here and they all come back for more,proving the food is good!!!!the most compliments go to our octupus rice!!!if you come to santa catalina panama make sure you stay at hotel sol y mar or if not come have dinner at the restaurant.see you soon
lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009
New restaurant in Santa Catalina Panama
jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009
Sol y Mar in Santa Catalina Panama new remodeled rooms and restaurant!!!
hi Everyone!!! big news this week!!!
we just finished remodeling our rooms,so on top of having the most equipment now they are also the most stylish in Santa Catalina Panama.here are photos of our remodeled cabins
Make your reservations now!!!!Contact us by e-mail catalinaluis@hotmail.com or by phone (00507) 69202631
we also just opened the Sol y Mar Restaurant!!!!We serve breakfast and dinner a la carte offering the best cuts of meat,fish and seafood.We also prepare lunch packs for you to take on your boat trips to dive,snorkel or fish in Coiba.If you are a guest and feel hungry while the kitchen is not open do not hesitate to ask Luis,for we always will have soups,cold salads,sandwiches and other treats available.From the restaurant you have amazing views of the ocean,surrounded by tropical trees and with permanent breezes that will make your dining experience even more pleasant.We have also a pool table where you can spend time siping some beers and provide internet service.
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
weather in santa catalina panama november 2009
we had the rainiest week in the whole year so far.its been raining for 5 days non stop,that even caused the road to sona to be closed for some time due to floods close to sona.in santa catalina there was no floods but it was not the best weather for the tourists.there was as told you on my last entry a lot of people in town for the fiestas patrias holiday but not much they could do,the rain was not letting go,we ended up having to cancel the coiba snorkeling trips we had scheduled...
soon the rainy season will start,this is the last big rains for sure,so start booking your holidays at sol y mar now,we are getting lots of bookings,almost full for christmas and new year season
lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009
updating the news from santa catalina panama.we have a busy village right now,and hotel sol y mar is full for a few days,its a national holiday,so plenty people.its been raining today,but we still have a coiba snorkeling trip organized for tomorrow,hopefully the weather will clear.
a few of the guests want to scuba dive too,so all depends on the rain.
lots of surfers around as well this week,the waves have benn good but not the winds,so not a lot of people were surfing today at the point when i checked.
also our phone number for sol y mar hotel in santa catalina has changed,the new one is 00507 69202631
have fun and will keep you posted!!!!
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009
martes, 4 de agosto de 2009
still in Costa Rica for the ISA world surfing contest,fun waves and party every day.will be back in Santa Catalina in 5 days or so,hopefully there will be some waves there as well.as soon as I get back will upload photos of the surf contest.take care and remember to stay at sol y mar if you come to santa catalina panama and need an hotel room or cabins.
lunes, 27 de julio de 2009
been really busy here at sol y mar with finishing the restaurant,already have a pool table and all,so next time you come we can eat,drink a few beers and shoot pool.
the cabins ahve been quite full,right now we have a group of christian surfers and a couple italians,full for the next 4 days at least.....
the waves at santa catalina have been good everyday and not so much rain,so have been surfing a bit too.not divingt latelly,had no time with the building,everyone has been telling me how good diving in coiba has been,hope to go soon.
next wednsday driving to costa rica for the isa world surfing contest,but the staff at sol y mar will be renting rooms as usual,so if you come to santa catalina come stay with us
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
raining a bit now in beautiful santa catalina panama but mostly sunny,good diving in coiba,surfing is up as well with good morning tides and quite a few tourists in town.
busy here at hotel sol y mar opening the restaurant,chef Manuel Gomez is already behind the stove and soon will be the opening.take care and don't forget to visit us when you come to santa catalina
sábado, 6 de junio de 2009
domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009
back to santa catalina soon
one week of holidays to go and then back in panama,straight to santa catalina, hopefully there will be some waves and oportunity to go diving as well.right now have a cold caus is so coooold here
martes, 17 de marzo de 2009
still in portugal,having fun and missing Santa Catalina already,back in Panama the 31st,will go straight home and try and surf and dive a bit.speaking of which,put a video on you Tube of a whale shark we saw while diving coiba here is the link VIDEO
Have fun wherever you are and remember,if you want to come to Santa Catalina to surf, fish, snorkel, dive , travel to coiba island,come stay at sol y mar,we have the best rooms and promise you a good time
miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009
sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009
just letting everyone know that Luis Silva,the owner of Sol y Mar is not going to be in Santa catalina till the end of March,he is on holidays in Portugal,after two years non stop in Catalina.But Sol y Mar is in business and being managed by his friend Alan Page,who is taking good care of our guests as is the standart in our hotel.he can be reached at the hotels nr (00507) 60415411.take care
martes, 3 de febrero de 2009
again no internet,so not able to update the blog as often as would like.
if you wonder what has been going on in Santa catalina,the waves have been small but today we have some and looks like tomorrow will pick up a bit more,so surfing is going to be making my day tomorrow.Have been wanting to go scuba-diving to Coiba Island for the last few days,but the Hotel has been too busy and couldn´t get away for a full-day trip.
also if you are looking to book a room at sol y mar,expect two days maximum for your mails to be answered,for we have to go to Soná to get internet.
but the good news is we already have cell phone coverage at Sol y Mar (not yet the rest of Santa Catalina,but a cell tower is going to be built in the next few weeks ), so you can reach us at (00507) 60415411
see you soon,good surfing and diving wherever you are
martes, 20 de enero de 2009

no,this was not today,actually we had a few,but no photos and nothing like this either.the waves at santa catalina have actually been weak for two weeks now,best days so far the 5th Jan and yesterday/today.soon the southern hemisphere will start sending us the goodies,feb ,march and april are usually the months with most perfect waves,for the size starts coming and its full off-shore season.the first photo is one of the biggest days I surfed here,an honestly I was taking off on the smaller ones,once in a while a set would come that was just unreal,20-25 foot faces,but no one was handling the sets.
the second photo was taken for sure also around march a few years ago,that´s a very normal size for that season. SANTA CATALINA PANAMA IN MARCH ROCKS